Labour’s Policy to Scrap Vat Relief on Private School Fees

Labour’s policy to scrap VAT relief on private school fees is a hot topic at the moment, but what impact could it have on the property market? We were pleased to share our thoughts with the Daily Mail, outlining how in our experience, protecting children’s schooling from disruption is one of the most important considerations for any parent. Whilst lots of families paying for private school are financially stretched, many will be willing to pull whatever financial lever necessary to ensure their children can stay put for as long as possible.


Those with young children however, will be looking at the additional costs and deciding it’s better to invest some of the money they would have spent on private schooling into buying a house in the catchment area of a good state primary school.


Many of West Sussex’s most sought-after villages have fabulous junior schools with old fashioned values and traditions that are already a major draw for families. It’s common for retired professionals who live locally to give their time to help with extra reading and lots of added extras that so many City schools don’t benefit from, making them quite exclusive.


Read the full article here if you’re a Mail+ subscriber.