The Benefits of Acting Quickly in the Popular South Downs
The Benefits of Acting Quickly in the Popular South Downs
The property market is very much in demand in the South Downs, but there is a lack of available stock. This has resulted in property owners being aware of the benefits of attracting a ‘chain free buyer’, which I will explain in this blog post.
If buyers are able to purchase a home without the need to sell another, they are considered to be a chain free buyer. Many require a mortgage however, but as buying agents we act for the best purchasers who are cash rich or with no related sale.
Now four years on from the pandemic, when the market was exceptionally buoyant with a rush to the countryside, we are still finding there is an enormous draw to the South Downs National Park. Demand is outweighing supply once again as we head into the traditional busy spring market.
We believe we are seeing a change now because competition for good quality country houses in sought after villages has gone from strength to strength. In the thirty-plus years that I have been involved in the industry, we have not seen anything quite like the shortage of available properties. In order to strengthen their position, buyers are realising they become very attractive to sellers especially if they do not need to sell first or raise funds, putting them at an advantage over other purchasers.
Here are a few reasons why sellers prefer chain free buyers…
Reduced risk of the sale falling through
Having a buyer pull out of an agreed sale is a seller’s worst fear. It is hugely stressful and causes everything to fall apart. With one in four property sales falling through in the UK, it is no surprise they feel this way. If a buyer doesn’t need to sell in order to proceed with the purchase of another property, this means the risk of them having to pull out is minimised, putting them in good stead in the eyes of a seller.
Shorter time scales with property transactions
If a buyer is chain free, it does help shorten the process. In fact, research has found chain free buyers can reduce the conveyancing process by as much as eight weeks!
Lowering stress levels
Moving home is supposed to be the third most stressful thing anybody can do. Having a chain free buyer is a generally a less stressful option for a seller, as the sale is pretty much guaranteed to progress without delay and with minimal risk of falling through.
It is therefore very tempting for a seller to accept an offer from a chain free buyer, especially one who has the cash available rather than relying on raising a mortgage.
Advantages for buyers
There are additional benefits for buyers too. Purchasers tend to be in an enhanced position to negotiate a better price from their point of view. We have had many occasions where sellers have accepted our clients’ offers, even though they weren’t the highest. This was because they presented themselves as a less risky proposition. Also, stress levels are reduced because buyers don’t need to worry about selling their property in order to proceed with their purchase.
For more purchasing advice contact our Directors at Property Acquisitions, Jennie Hancock, at jh@propertyacquisitions.co.uk or Michelle Hendrie mh@propertyacquisitions.co.uk.