In the press… The Daily Telegraph

We work with many downsizers across West Sussex and the Surrey/Hampshire borders, so we were delighted to share our thoughts on this hot topic with the Daily Telegraph.

Most of our downsizing clients have children who have flown the nest, and they want to simplify their lives and their finances by buying a more manageable property, leaving them with a nice nest egg with which to pursue hobbies and travel while they’re still fit and able.

Often, they’re using only a small part of the property, with certain rooms or even whole floors shut off, but they’re paying to maintain and upkeep the whole thing. A smaller property and garden is easier and cheaper to look after, and if it’s located closer to the local shops and amenities, or on a bus route, they have the option of giving up the car at some point in the future.

Many people have built up considerable wealth in their properties over 20 years or more, and they want to enjoy themselves by travelling to far flung places, which they might not have been able to do before. If Labour introduces VAT on private school fees, as it warns it will, we may see more downsizers gifting equity to their children to assist with those costs.

You can read the full article here if you’re a Daily Telegraph subscriber.