In the Press … The Times

Are you team beam or team Georgian? That’s the question posed in this article in The Times, exploring changing tastes in the country homes market. While Georgian houses are always popular with buyers for their high ceilings and grand proportions, medieval houses are rather like buying a vintage car – they need to be a passion project.

Jennie Hancock is delighted to be quoted in the piece, explaining how energy efficiency and the higher cost of living has put some buyers off very old properties. “Nearly everyone wants something more straightforward now. That’s why younger families are not keen, if they’re not easily mortgageable. If there’s a possibility of problems, a lender might be more cautious and stringent with the survey.”

If you are interested in buying a piece of history – and West Sussex has plenty of gems including a number of original hall houses – we can help ensure you’re going into the purchase fully prepared and in the know.

You can read the full article here if you’re a Times subscriber.